Víctor Rodríguez-Doncel (1978) is Associate Professor at the Artificial Intelligence department of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain), conducting research in areas related to Semantic Web, Language Technologies and Law. He is editor of several ISO/IEC international standards for representing intellectual property righs (ISO/IEC21000-19), editor of an W3C Recommendation for representing policies (ODRL), and author of a number of journals and books (including most notably the volume on Linked Democracy). He is the Scientific Manager of the H2020 Lynx project, and the principal investigator of UPM in the H2020 projects PRET-A-LLOD, PROTECT and LAST-JD-RIOE. Victor is inventor in a patent related to giving energy efficiency advice using AI techniques. See online his publications record (http://purl.org/NET/vroddon) and professional blog (http://www.cosasbuenas.es/blog).